If non-binary people and other identities like that don't exist then how can there be people who feel that way?
Don't get me wrong I'm not a special snowflake as most people call them I'm a bisexual cis white dude who can't stand feminists and SJWs. It just makes me wonder how they can't be real when people clearly feel the way they do.
回答 (5)
The feelings those sjws feel are real. Their fashion sense really is quite mixed with them feeling like suits on one day and feeling like dresses the other. In the good old days it would be called being a tomboy or just being normal. Sjws just want attention and the gender nonsense is a fad like the Goths and the Punks. Plus, sjws are into escapism and fantasy, which is a heavy presence in the digital age. That's why they like making up new identities and feeling special by creating different pronouns. They already did it on a smaller scale with role playing on the internet, they just brought it into real life. It's not that hard to understand.
Have you ever met an otherkin? They legit believe they're the reincarnated souls of dragons, elves, fairies, unicorns, etc. And they are totally delusional. Feelings are feelings but feelings don't necessarily correspond to anything that exists outside one's head. "Feeling" it doesn't make it real.
idiot. cisgendered means straight. You can't be straight and be bisexual.
Feminists are women strong enough to try to fight to get us on equal footing as men. You should be fighting to be on equal ground as us.
Is this meant to be satire?
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:03:01
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