(PLEASE ANSWER) Should I tell him?

2018-03-04 3:04 pm
Last year thanksgiving week. I met up with this guy and he said we were just gonna talk and chill in his car, so I thought. The guy starts kissing me I kiss him back hesitatingly, he wanted me to give him head so I did he ate me out. As he was down there eating me out he came over me and started trying to **** me I told him no I don’t want to **** so many times. I started crying and he said it’s alrught let me take care of you, you’re losing your virginity tonight. I kept trying to push him off but I couldn’t. So when he was done I felt like **** but he said sorry about 10hrs later. Idk why I did but I met up with him again and we had sex I just wanted to forget about the first time. Soo idk I guess I started catching feelings for this guy I thought he liked me so I told him and he said he wasn’t trying to have anything with anybody but then proceeded to ask if we could have sex I told him yea cuz I thought maybe he’d end up liking me so he was asking me if we could do a three some I tod him no but when I went and saw him his friend was with him I was too scared to say anything so that happened. My bf keeps saying Ive been acting different and that’s why just I’m so scared to tell him should i This happened before we met

回答 (4)

2018-03-04 3:07 pm
Are you busy next Friday? We could chill in my car for a while…
2018-03-05 1:19 am
2018-03-04 6:25 pm
Why did you keep seeing him if you didn't want it.
2018-03-04 3:21 pm
U sound like the dumbest person. In the world

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