Does anyone know what type of shipping can be held at FedEx or UPS store?

2018-03-03 8:02 pm
So I order personal products online all the time and I do make budget for them. However my mom and grandma also live at the same place so anytime a package arrives they are super nosy and wondering what it is and I don’t want to tell them so I lie. One company I ordered from used to shop ups and I always was able route to the store to avoid them. Now they ship fedex and the last order I tried to route wasn’t available to ship to the store. Anybody know if UPS, FedEx or even USPS ships to the UPS, USPS orFedEx store?

回答 (5)

2018-03-03 8:09 pm
You can rent a box at a UPS store or a USPS office to receive your mail & packages.
2018-03-03 8:08 pm
ship it to a friend
2018-03-04 12:33 am
I don't see your problem with your mother and grandmother knowing that you are getting personal items delivered to your home address
but at any rate the stores you mention are probably not equipped to store packages for any amount of time for the addressee to pick them up
2018-03-05 3:24 pm
Get yourself a private mailbox or P.O. Box. They wont hold them.
2018-03-04 5:39 am
answer from "DJ" is can call one of the stores to verify & see if you can have packages delivered there w/o having a box there

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