比樓下誤會係滲水源頭,收過公證行文件,又收律師信, 又配合多次檢查. 最後原來源頭不是我, 冤枉花了大筆錢維修.全屋明喉觀感下降, 我可以追討賠償嗎?

2018-02-26 6:33 pm

回答 (1)

2018-02-28 6:43 am
It will be difficult.

1. You must prove the claim adjuster made a mistake. In other word, you must prove that the repair was made based on its misrepresentation that your property was the source of the leak.

2. You must prove that the repair is unnecessary. Just because you have made unnecessary repair does not mean you can recover, as the repair ultimately improves your property.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:17:51
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