How can I have a Career without a drivers license.?

2018-02-26 1:36 pm
I can obtain a License anymore and I’m 24 I want to be an electrician and want to know if that’s possible. Also if anyone has experience with living with out a license and where is it common.

回答 (17)

2018-02-27 2:38 am
Why cant you obtain a license exactly? If you cannot obtain a license to drive, you likely cannot obtain a license to be an electrician...
2018-02-26 1:40 pm
A good friend of ours never had a driver's license. She worked as a medical technician in a hospital and she got back and forth on the bus pretty easily. She couldn't even ride a bicycle! (I mention her in the past tense because she moved away when she retired.)

But an electrician works in a different place every day. You need a truck full of wires and tools and electrical fixtures and stuff, either yours or the company you work for, and you'll probably be expected to drive it yourself, unless you plan to hire a chauffeur.
2018-02-26 9:27 pm
The only places it's "common" are cities like New York City where you can take a subway anywhere you want. You can also use Uber but an electrician might have to go supply shopping in the middle of a job. It will be difficult but I commend you wanting to better yourself! Good luck!
2018-02-26 8:53 pm
You can have a career with out a driver's license, if you don't need to drive for your career. Some people can't afford to keep a car so they take public transportation, they just have to manage their time so they can get to work on time. Some employers want you to have your own transportation, if you have your own transportation you're not waiting around to a bus or taxi to get you to work. Also you can use a driver's license for ID.
2018-02-26 7:36 pm
You better have coworkers that can drive you, or be in an urban area with great mass transit. Other than that - you might have to look for something where you can be in one place all day. Get yourself a good bicycle. Move near a bike trail. Get yourself a State ID - you should still be able to get that.
2018-02-26 5:10 pm
Lmao how you gotta be 24 without a license lol that must suck! Does your mommy take you everywhere?
2018-02-26 1:51 pm
Lots of jobs don't require you to drive.
2018-02-28 1:06 am
I lined on Long Island in NY until my mid thirties. Never drove. Took trains and buses to work as an accountant.
Moved to Florida (Ft Lauderdale area) in 1992. Hot hot hot and not much public transport so learned to drive and got a car.
So yes it is possible in big part dependent on where you live. As an electrician you'd need tools with you, and you'd need to go to homes off the beaten path so no car may be difficult.
2018-02-27 7:23 am
Just look for places that are nearby. Being an electrician is going to be tough. Maybe look for a carpool.
2018-02-27 12:12 am
sure you can work at anything you want if you can get to work by any means other than driving without a license

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