Is there a meaning and direction to our existence?

2018-02-26 1:24 pm

回答 (20)

2018-02-27 11:52 am
I think meaning and direction come from intent...... and existence as such does not give the intent..... the intent comes from ego..... I therefore believe that mere existence as such can have no meaning or direction.
Nevertheless, those who believe that our existence is caused by the Creator, would of course believe that the Creator would have done so with an intent having meaning and direction.
2018-02-27 12:38 am
Mine yes. Yours I don’t know. I don’t know who put you and me in harness and called it “us” but that work entity does not exist. I broke my cookie cutter.
2018-03-05 5:36 am
Yes, that is to serve the Greatest. Serve is our constitutional position. Serve the wife, kids, the country, the boss, the senses, the belly, the body, nobody can escape for serving somebody. Because service to God is the only aim of life, otherwise we must serve dogs and ordinary humans.
2018-03-04 1:06 pm
2018-03-03 6:24 pm
God thought and we have existed. He had also created different type of spirits and he is creating even now. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.

God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. That's why He had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A human being is just a robot made of flesh and bones and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2018-03-01 10:58 am
Is there a meaning, a direction to our existence ?

Some of us have answered similar Q's before.
And some of us went outside of our home today, chillingly cold
it was too I may add.
(being told that it was warmer at the north Pole wasn't much help either !)

And so "meanings et al" can change (because for some likely it was a lot hotter
that here in Europe right now).
And whether we identify meanings with weather facts or not, I think this tenuous
idea, concept or thought could be relevant.
Of course its not a "serious one"....
nevertheless I hope that we here could understand that (that) could change,
quickly & drastically (so to speak).

I believe that I have repeated before that we-can-give-meaning (and direction)
to all our existence.
Just As I and others were taught (especially within the History of Ideas, others within
Philosophy or History & Sociology too).
For I know that we WERE taught that there-is-meaning-to-our-existence because it was
one of the first things that we were taught early on (in our syllabus).

That one CAN learn...
that we CAN make "learning" mistakes..
that we EVEN OUGHT TO learn from some or all-of-our mistakes (so to speak).
& thus THIS is a never-ending sequence-of-events for us - much like how we continue
to breathe until we die (so to speak)...

Better people than me called all this by its new-ish name, "objective philosophical knowledge"
in particular.
And truth and better-and-better "facts" are at the very heart of this endeavour.
A hopeful, a critical and a rational endeavour too...

An endeavour called a search for better knowledge... a typical search which siren-calls
many-a-hoard-of-people, because it reveals the stuff we search for as typically humanistic,

Nonetheless it is OURS, mistakes (a plenty) included^..

The aim of a better world must include you as it does me.
It typically must include those here who have answered ; it also typically
includes all those together who have answered over-the-years since yahoo answers was
And so on, "Free".

^ I have pointed out mistakes, mostly of others here.
Now we ALL make mistakes, me included. The big difference
here is that I seem to be the only one who "harps on" about
"criticism", "objectivity" and then "truth".
This was all openly taught to us, this "objective method",
(via a unique 101 course in the History of Ideas..). I had also had many
years BEFORE & subsequently after, this "review & revise"
more of my own... shall we say, pertinent mistakes therein.
I have more-or-less documented all this in my open questions &
answers here too.
There anyone can see some of my -I believe- possible original WORK
I did concerning a rather-wild-media report of a few years ago now,
concerning some then cutting edge & surprising/startling results
from OUR (objective) world of math. Number theory & twin Primes
seemingly to me now all-the-rage (=in vogue so to speak) as I have
faithfully reported in those Q's & A's.
And I can say that I have there DONE MY VERY BEST TO EXPLAIN
what even is unexplainable by the math experts TASKED WITH DECIDING
THE (fine) TRUTH of this original math problem&solution by Y tom Zhang.
For even -to my knowledge circa 2018- NO ONE HAS YET TO REALLY
CRITICISE Zhang's SOLUTION. (yet...)...

Our little group at that H.o.Ideas had a tremendous opportunity to learn,
to criticise and to understand the important ideas and solvable problems
presented to us.
And so to repeat this little Q,

Is there a meaning and direction to our (philosophical & other) existence ?
參考: See "Objective Knowledge" a Work by the emeritus scholar kr Popper, Et Al.
2018-02-28 6:47 pm
Only if you make it so.
2018-02-28 8:51 am
Birth and death are the bookends of our lives. Living towards death in time gives one’s life a direction and framework. Death does not teach anything. Life teaches everything.

If we are what we are, it is life which gives it's meaning, and not death.

The wise person thinks of nothing so little as death.

When a wise person or philosopher thinks about death - it only makes him to think of ways to live fully immersed in the life that we have.

We have so many years for happiness or a good life. There is nothing like "happy ending" for life. The way we live gives worth to life.

Death is the road to final destination. Life is the travel. The soul is the guide.

When the mind and death are transcended, man will have a new home: Light - the Light of the Beyond through wisdom. That is philosophy.
參考: Try to find it through meditation or Yoga.
2018-02-28 12:59 am
you should reach 'mans search for meaning'
2018-02-27 6:59 pm
You might have used the word ‘existence’ casually, a kind of rhetorical phrasing of your question. Where in reality, you might have only meant to know if there are some 'meaning and direction' to us being alive, to life. The fact is the difference in being in existence and being alive is significant in that we do just exist, we are alive. To exist would be to be in existence like anything else, the rocks the stars, the planets, the trees, etc. Whereas, to be alive means to be in existence as a life form, with a certain shape, form, and conditions, and in that, to be alive as a human being, not just alive but also to be critically aware of being and the being of other things around.

To be in existence is like being in a largely unchartered ocean of limitless expanses all around, the ocean of everything, including what is actual and what is merely possible; in existence are also things that you do not have in your direct physical experience, the future, the past, the countless ways the game of the things would play out in the future, and the countless ways the things might have been shaped in the past.

To be humanly alive is to exist in that ocean with a sophisticated ship, along with various intelligent charts, and the ultimate of all compasses. Life is the meaning and direction you seek, that just like a book, and anything in human use or experience, if you do not know how to read and interpret, and make good use of will remain a mystery or a trouble, and you, without that sense and knowledge of and meaning and direction somewhat lost.

The compass is the sense of right and wrong, the intuitive want of some purpose some meaning and direction to follow. The compass will always be there. It will always work accurately, nevertheless, regardless of if you could understand what life is all about or not, regardless if you could use life, the ship you are on properly, to see your way through the given expanses of the ocean.

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