Can I have some advice, please?

2018-02-25 2:34 pm
I would like some help in deciding between two girls. I'm a 26 year old guy.

Girl #1 She is a 24 year old Elementary school teacher. She is really elegant, polite, and a strong Christian. She is really innocent, but doesn't have a lot of experience in the world because she has been raised really sheltered. She doesn't drink or anything. She doesn't cuss, and likes to babysit a lot. She is really loyal and loves strongly, but doesn't have a lot of self confidence and always wears stuff that covers herself. She also doesn't want to have friends.

Girl #2: She is 22 and finishing her last semester of college before becoming a middle school teacher. She is really sweet and down for anything. She is pretty classy, but not religious at all. She is very loyal and fun to hang out with. She has her nose pierced and likes to dress up to go out and shows off skin a little bit, but makes sure to be classy. She lives on her own and doesn't get stressed out to easy. One of her favorite things to do is to have a beer at the bar with her friends.

Which girl should I date?

回答 (2)

2018-02-25 2:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You'll probably enjoy girl 2 more now. In 5 to 10 years you may want to marry and then girl 1 would be the best choice.
2018-02-25 2:48 pm
First advice- stop calling them "girls".
Now, it used to be that dating was a way to get to know someone and to decide if you wanted to spend more time with them. It was perfectly ok to go out with more than one person until you decide which one you wanted to make a commitment to. That was before "dating" became synonymous with have sex. You shouldn't have to decide between 2 people before you get to know them. For some people, the religious thing would be a deal-breaker, one way or another. But you should be making your decision more on how you feel than on a list of their features, as if you were buying a dish-washer.
2018-02-25 2:38 pm
Date both, and whichever one stays with you after they both find out you cheated, that’s the one.

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