If I conceal a gun with out a license and have to use it will I get in more trouble?

2018-02-24 9:56 pm
If I conceal a gun with out a license and have to use it will I get in more trouble?

回答 (10)

2018-02-25 4:11 am
More trouble in some states then others
Some states do not require permits to carry
2018-02-24 10:24 pm
"Have to use it", when I read that I interpret it to mean that if you don't use it, you will be dead.

So no matter what the law does to you, using the gun in that situtation is moving in a less-trouble direction.
2018-02-25 12:07 am
depends on circumstances and where you do this. in NYC, yes, you'd get in trouble
2018-02-24 11:30 pm
There is a saying "I'd rather be judged by 12, instead of carried by 6."
Some people would rather kill someone and go to prison than to be killed and have to be carried to the burial.

And if you actually had to use it, then you would probably be in less trouble than if you didn't have the weapon to use in the first place. "Better call Saul" to defend you afterward.
2018-02-24 10:25 pm
Your State has laws about this - there is no National rule.
2018-02-25 9:59 am
Not in AZ. No CWP required.
2018-02-25 2:04 am
DETAILS matter. In the US, no license is required to conceal a gun in your home.
If you illegally carry a concealed weapon elsewhere, use of force in self defense is still exactly as legal as if you are not armed. However, you can be charged for having a concealed weapon without a license if a license is required.
Note: Some states allow concealed carry WITHOUT a license if you are otherwise legally permitted to have a gun.
If you are not in the US, the laws are probably different.
2018-02-26 2:30 am
It's been said that it is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.
2018-02-25 4:04 am
When "discovery" of breaking the law is made it will result in charges even if the use of the weapon was justified. If the use was unjustified or discovery was made because of another violation it could make the trouble even worse. To give an example of this:
If a person is discovered to have drugs and a concealed weapon by an officer things would be much worse then if the discoveries were made independently. Having a firearm (concealed or other wise) along with "grass" is one sure way to get a stiffer penalty.
2018-02-24 9:59 pm
You mean if you break the law will you get in legal trouble for doing so........ yes

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