Do you find it lonely weekends? what do you do about it if there is something that can be done?

2018-02-23 6:38 pm

回答 (4)

2018-02-26 11:31 pm
it seems as if weekends arent so nice when arrangements are made and they fall through. If no arrangements, is alright to be alone as there are no expectations. But one can try arrange something that will happen and will work out!
2018-02-23 7:34 pm
I have been alone for a LONG LONG time BY CHOICE, but never Lonely.
There are many places where people gather. All I have to do is LEAVE THE HOUSE.

Look for people who look like they are not having fun. Smile and say "HI. I'm new here and feel outta place. You look popular. My name is ______, what's yours."

They are probably new there too and feel outta place, but now you have a conversation going.

I'm guessing you're a GIRL. If NOT, same applies, just change the sex.

Anything and Everything you want to Change or Improve about yourself will require PRACTICE.
There are many many things school taught you that you (most people)
will NEVER use in real Life. You probably realize this by now.
The solution to your problem/dilemma is simple.
Depending on your personality, it may NOT be EASY, but it’s still Simple.

The key to Breaking the Ice with ANYONE,
is in the ability to make People Smile and Enjoy your company.

Always use Smiles, Humor and Compliments to approach people.
USE SMILES (to make them relax),
USE HUMOR (to make them Smile or Laugh),
USE COMPLIMENTS (to make them feel good about themselves
when they are around you)

This is how you win over people. Be Likable and Be Fun.
Make this your personality and people will look for/want to be around you.

All this may sound scary to you,
but aren't you already scared anyway…
And probably sick of being YOU. (the way you are)
CHANGE will Always Be Uncomfortable…
until it becomes the way you do things.

Practice is about FAILING, until You Get Better.
DO NOT be afraid to Practice.
Practice is just taking BABY STEPS, until it becomes Who You Are.
Anyone who Rejects you is just PRACTICE.
Anyone who Engages you is PROGRESS.
2018-02-23 7:08 pm
I'm really really lonely but I've been a workaholic since 19 and now that I'm a student, the workethic has transferred to studying and putting in work at school to get high grades... I'm lonely but priorities come first.
2018-02-23 6:49 pm

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