Why does my Instagram posts suck?

2018-02-22 9:12 am
All I post is mediocre photography or ugly selfies and I'm lucky if I get 20 likes. They get 4-6 likes in an hour and that's pretty bad imo. I only have 181 followers. I don't understand how other kids from school get 70-100 likes in an hour and they have like 500-1000 or more followers. I guess it's because they have social lifes, are well known, and don't post boring **** like I do. No, I don't want to buy followers or likes but I'm considering it.

回答 (2)

2018-02-22 9:24 am
Post videos of you running into things, eating 40 hard boiled eggs in 10 minutes, eating gallons of mayonnaise (or ketchup). You know, cool stuff.
2018-02-22 9:20 am
Why do you care? Social networking is a fake place...how they likely get more views is by being fake. Are you telling me that you would betray yourself just for some "likes" by people that can care less about you once the moment has passed?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:57:56
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