English question, please help. I can’t understand the following seemly simple sentence.?

2018-02-21 9:21 am

“I don't remember just their faces; I also remember where exactly in the classroom they were sitting.” – copied from Ted
For my understanding, the first part says “I don’t remember...”, the second part says ”I also remember...”, it sounds illogical to me.
I am an English learner, I think I must miss some points on the context, which results my translation weird.
So, please help, your help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Data from: Ted
Speaker: Tanya Menon
Topic: The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven’t met yet.
Opening sentences are excerpted as follows.
I started teaching MBA students 17 years ago.
Sometimes I run into my students years later.
And when I run into them, a funny thing happens.
I don't remember just their faces; I also remember where exactly in the classroom they were sitting.
And I remember who they were sitting with as well.

回答 (4)

2018-02-21 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
The key word you are not understanding is "just" - which in this sentence means "only.". By saying that "I don't remember just faces", it means faces were not the only thing remembered, other things besides faces were remembered.
2018-02-21 9:25 am
It means "It is not only their faces that I remember, I also remember where exactly in the classroom they were sitting."
2018-02-21 9:28 am
I suck at explaining things so bare with me here...
I don't remember just = meaning what they're remembering isn't the only thing they remember. So they don't JUST remember their faces, they remember more than their faces.

But I also remember = meaning that they also remember something else. So they remember more than their faces. They also remember where they sat in class (or whatever). So they remember both of those things (faces and where they sat).
2018-02-21 9:25 am
what it is saying is this, the person who said it is telling you that they remember everything about them, their face and where they were sitting. a better sentence would have been "I don't just only remember their faces, but where they were sitting as well"

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