Who Was The Better President? Eisenhower Or Kennedy?

2018-02-20 5:57 am
And why? Thanks.

回答 (16)

2018-02-20 5:58 am
You have to be kidding. Eisenhower by a country mile.
2018-02-20 5:59 am
2018-02-20 6:00 am
Eisenhower was a mans man
2018-02-20 6:12 am
Eisenhower. Kennedy was not a great President since he created most of the problems. He simply caused so many problems, somebody shot him. Eisenhower was older and far more wiser. Did a lot but at a pace that the country could do it, and do it well. Times went from good under Eisenhower to bad under Kennedy. The only similar time like Eisenhower was the 4 years under Bush1.
2018-02-20 6:11 am
According to one survey Kennedy was No.8, Eisenhower No. 5 of top 20
2018-02-20 6:11 am
Neither one was all that effective. Eisenhower did get the interstate system built, however. It was a quiet period in US history- but he also got us into the Korean War. Kennedy, as we have recently learned from various sources, was well aware that we couldn't win in Vietnam but kept sending soldiers to die anyway. He couldn't get the Civil Rights bill passed. To be fair, he didn't have as much time as some other presidents to get things done.
2018-02-20 6:27 am
IKE easily. He resolved the Korean War, and gave us the interstate highway system.

Kennedy was a near disaster. He almost got us into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union (Cuban Missile Crises). He caused it by letting the disasterous invasion of Cuba (Bay of Pigs) go forward. One brigade of weekend warrior to take a country the size of Cuba with 10 million people. Gosh, what could possibly go wrong??

You don't win a lot of wars by using underwhelming force.
But Kennedy was a handsome young president that was assassinated. That turned him into a martyr that is remembered with fondness.
2018-02-20 6:15 am
That is like comparing the Devil and Satan.
2018-02-20 6:07 am
2018-02-20 6:03 am
Je ne sais pas.
2018-02-20 10:06 am
kennedy was a drug addict from a family of gangsters and only intimidation and bribery by his father joe won him the election anyway
2018-02-20 7:12 am
Eisenhower. I do like Kennedy, but Eisenhower was slightly better. First, Eisenhower created the highways which was the single greatest infrastructure bill passed in history. Second, Eisenhower was the first president in history to have a higher approval rating after he left office. Third, Eisenhower was a staunch Civil Rights activist. He integrated the Little Rocks High School in Arkansas after the Jim Crow Democrats opposed him. The only good thing Kennedy did was the Cuban Missile Crisis and the economy. Otherwise, LBJ did more than JFK.
2018-02-20 6:41 am
It's hard to say. Likely Kennedy if he hadn't been murdered. I am very impressed with the Interstate Highway system that was built during the Eisenhower era.
2018-02-20 6:02 am
2018-02-20 5:58 am
Kennedy, as he was going to expose the Jews.
2018-02-20 6:24 am
Eisenhower was a do-nothing president. We did manage to survive him but it took a Democrat to pull us out of the recession.

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