Would you vote for an independent party president?

2018-02-19 2:13 am

回答 (16)

2018-02-19 4:43 am
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Actually I would vote for a 3rd party president. I am non-aligned, I vote for whomever I feel is the best candidate. I voted Libertarian in the 2016 election.
2018-02-19 2:35 am
Depends on their platform.
2018-02-19 2:17 am
No. I was tempted to vote for Jill Stein in 2016 her morals align with mine, but for the good country I voted Hillary, I loved Bernie but I voted Hill.
2018-02-19 2:16 am
I would consider it but Democrat is likely my first choice.
2018-02-19 1:09 pm
Depends if the candidate is capable of being a good president.
2018-02-19 6:05 am
only if BOTH of the mainstream candidates are TOTALLY unacceptable.
2018-02-19 3:35 am
Yes, but it would depend on what kind of ideas he or she was promoting.
2018-02-19 3:20 am

Because the only "independent" parties are extremists.
2018-02-19 2:39 am
very doubtful
2018-02-19 2:32 am
No! The Russian troll farms pushed independents and struck out at Hillary. We ended up with Trump. Nader gave us Bush.

Like it or not, it is the job of the Democrats to nominate a reasonable, centrist candidate. I will then vote for that Democrat.
2018-02-19 2:31 am
Independants are so inresplendant that they are dependent on defendants and have no chance of becoming ascendant.
2018-02-19 2:28 am
In presidential elections we should eliminate political parties and force people to vote based upon the issues and the character of the candidates themselves.

The Office of the Presidency is supposed to represent all Americans and not just serve as the leader of his political party. It makes no sense that the president should represent a party.
2018-02-19 2:24 am
That would depend on his true political beliefs.
2018-02-19 2:20 am
I would have voted for Rand if i didnt know that he didnt stand a chance. With our system and society its going to be either dem or republican. So theres no point.
2018-02-19 2:14 am
2018-02-19 2:17 am
If you want to throw away your vote

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