No one cleans the apartment building anymore. Vomit in the hallway since last night, who do I call?

2018-02-16 11:16 pm
When my mom and I first moved in, the building was cleaned multiple times a day. Never a speck of dirt on the floor. Now they’ve been slacking. There’s a moldy rotting orange peel on the floor in the garbage room that’s been there for weeks on end. And now no one has cleaned up the vomit in the hallway that’s been there since last night. The orange peel I can deal with but the vomit is disgusting and nearly a biohazard. It smells so bad. I now press the elevator buttons with a tissue instead of my bare hands Bc I’m afraid I’ll catch something. What do I do?

回答 (8)

2018-02-18 3:06 pm
Warfare: Splash some bleach around, making even more of a mess. Then call the super, or the landlord, or the company, whichever is most appropriate, saying that "somebody" apparently took matters into their own hands, and the hallway is getting ruined.
2018-02-20 10:06 am
Call the landlord. He may be paying someone to clean who is not doing their job.
If it's not cleaned up immediately, file a complaint.
2018-02-19 12:08 am
The landlord is more than likely unaware that someone puked in the hallway yesterday. Call and let the landlord know that there is vomit in the hallway and it needs to be cleaned up immediately.
2018-02-18 1:02 pm
The landlord isn't a mind-reader. Notify him.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2018-02-17 11:39 pm
Contact the landlord.
If it isn't cleaned up shortly, call the local Board of Health - but they won't likely be available until Monday. If the common areas have not been kept clean, you should contact the Board of health, or Inspectional Services- whatever the agency is that looks after rental properties.
2018-02-17 1:16 pm
My bf and I just moved from having one loud as heck neighbor living upstairs into another complex with another loud as heck lady with her 3 kids under the age of 6 or so. I stressed to the apt. complex b4 I moved in that we were looking for a quiet community and we had seen good reviews online for their property. The woman assured us that we wouldn’t have any problems. THe weekend that we were moving in, this woman introduced herself and asked if we were moving in, and I said yes. She then tells me that we aren’t going to like moving in under them because they are loud, but to feel free to come upstairs and let them know when they are getting loud.” And let me tell you…they have been LOUD. I am talking running, jumping, screaming, throwing stuff, shaking our chandelier, everything. We reported them to the office, they got written up, they talked to the office about it and said they were sorry…but they have not stopped. My bf goes up there at least once a day (when he is home) to complain. I am there a lot by myself and don’t feel safe going up there at night by myself. These people are driving me crazy!!!!!
2018-02-17 3:46 am
Call the Health Department and report this.
2018-02-16 11:19 pm
find a new place to live with better management.

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