I need help getting hired? What am I doing wrong?

2018-02-14 3:48 pm
I'm a 17 year old in need of employment. I've walked into many fast food joints and asked if they're hiring. Some of them flat out say no. Some say they are but that I have to fill out an application and turn it in. I do that and wait for about 2 weeks until I realize that I won't be getting called. Other places tell me that I have to apply online. I do that and again, no call. What am I doing wrong? I've expressed that I'm eager to work, I learn fast, and am willing to work a changing schedule. What else should I do? I need a job

回答 (8)

2018-02-14 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do any of your friends work? If so, ask then to do two things - first keep an eye out for vacancies, most employees know when people leave and when people leave, that job comes open. Ask them to let you know. Then second, ask them to talk to a supervisor about you - have them recommend you (even ask them to mention your flexible schedule and how eager you are to learn). Internal recommendations go a lot further than paper/on-line applications. Even in the age of the Internet the vast majority of jobs get filled by networking like this...and don't screw up the favor by getting a job and then quitting three weeks in (even if you don't like the job...there's a reason it's called a job and not play).
2018-02-14 3:51 pm
Turn in the application and call them 2-3 days later. That will show them that you are interested
2018-02-14 7:55 pm
Don’t just look at fast food. Try restaurants too or hotels. Or why not landscaping? Look in newspapers.
What kind of job do you want to do when you are an adult? Can you get something related to it? For example - if you want to work in finance, why not apply to be a bank teller? Or if you want to be a teacher, how about being a tutor signing up to be a camp counselor? If you want to be vet - maybe you can get a job at the pet store or in a vet clinic cleaning cages.
You have to network with everyone you know. Your friends, their parents - everyone. Often someone will hear something and refer you to it through the grapevine. Hit up your schools guidance counselor too - see what they can refer you to. Check out the town YMCA or boys club.
2018-02-18 9:18 pm
try in both very good places and in very bad places
2018-02-15 12:50 am
Go to a mall and apply to every store in the mall.

Part of the problem is your age, many places do not hire under 18...due to the restrictions on employment for minors.
2018-02-15 12:46 am
just keep looking and applying
2018-02-14 8:41 pm
If they're not hiring then they're not hiring, they won't give you an application if they're not hiring.
If there's a chance that they're hiring most places will ask you to fill out an application either in the store or on line.
If you have a resume that could help as applications usually don't have a lot of room to fill out each section.
If you're filling out one by hand make sure your hand writing is legible and you're using words that sound professional.
Usually fast food places are pretty quick to hire. You wouldn't have to wait more then a week for a call back.
Follow up on your applications. Give them a call back a few days after you've handed them in. Ask if they've had a chance to view your application and if they would condenser giving you an interview.
2018-02-14 4:12 pm
U re not the only one who is in need to get a job, most obviously smeone managed to get to those fast food places before u. Just keep trying, maybe one day they will need someone and u happen to walk in
2018-02-14 3:57 pm
Try city jobs... i forget where to search it, but them temporary city jobs, uh... parks and recreational jobs?? Google search local summer jobs for teens or jobs for highschool or teens. Our's is in downtown.
If you still can't find a job, do volunteer work to have work resume under your belt. Or just lie that you've been babysitting your little cousins or nieces and nephews for $20 for a few hours per afternoon when their parents has to run erans ... you know staying busy while searching
G'luck kid... it was kind of hard for most too. Got any friends that can pull you into their jobs, no??

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