Can you help me, please?

2018-02-13 2:30 pm
My girlfriend is the sweetest girl ever. She is 22, a "good girl" who goes to church a lot, loves kids, wants to be a teacher, and is just the sweetest thing ever. She always dresses classy and doesn't drink or party at all. Well, she knows I like to smoke cigars occasionally and drink a little bit. She told me the other day that even though she doesn't like smoking and wouldn't want to do it herself, she finds it very attractive when I smoke a cigar. When I'm dressed up and how I look manly doing it. Why would she tell me this?

回答 (3)

2018-02-13 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Habit is different & style is different. She is impressed by your style. If you make this habit occasionally then fine.
2018-02-14 2:13 am
Because that's how she feels.
2018-02-13 2:36 pm
It's a compliment , and she s your girl she like u

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