would you consider safety as a "normal good"?

2018-02-13 12:13 pm
Do you think that with higher incomes safety also increases?

回答 (2)

2018-02-14 12:17 am
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to an extent really, too much safety and people tend to get frustrated and reckless in trying to get around it
- e.g. theres a mobile machine in my workplace that requires you to be in the seat, have it on neutral, have the park brake on, have the seatbelt off, turn the key to turn it on, put on the seat belt, take the park brake off, put it in gear, then wait about 5-10 secs for the battery lag to finish up so you can actually move around - no kidding - if you miss something you gotta start over so people usually get around it by just leaving it turned on with the park brake on - not really too unsafe, but its an example of frustration by safety overkill....

as for the statement : "with higher incomes safety also increases"
really in my opinion one has nothing to do with the other - iv'e seen minimum wage workers work safe and act safe at home pretyy much all the time, and then iv'e seen high end workers, bosses, execs, constantly take risks and do unsafe things - heck you only need to look at all the crazy things celebrities do with their "high incomes" that pretty much throws safety out the window

end of the day, safety is safety, a lot of it is objective and depends on who's looking at it, as long is it isn't overdone, then usually it is a "normal good"
2018-02-13 12:24 pm
Sometimes safety decreases with higher income and fame
2018-02-13 9:15 pm

2018-02-13 4:42 pm
Yes, I do.

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