What time should I finish work on half a day?

2018-02-12 8:58 pm
So I work 9am until 5:30pm Monday to Friday. My wage is salary based.

I get 1 hour for lunch – UNPAID! So what time would I leave if I booked half a day and wanted the afternoon off?

I thought half a day would be 3 hours 45 minutes which means finishing at 12:45pm, however I am being told its 1pm?

Can anyone clarify?

回答 (7)

2018-02-12 9:07 pm
If you are at work for 8.5 hours and take a 1 hr. break for lunch, you are actually working for 7.5 hours. Half of that is 3.75 hours.So you are correct. Considering you are talking about just 15 minutes it probably would not be wise to argue the point with your employer, in my opinion.
2018-02-13 1:26 am
You don't take a lunch when you work a half day. No one gets paid for the lunch break. You're splitting hairs over 15 minutes. You're just the kind of employee I want working for me...NOT.
2018-02-12 11:16 pm
So you work 7 1/2 hour days. Half of that would be 3 hours & 45 minutes. So 12:45 would be half a day if you take no lunch.
2018-02-13 11:19 am
You have been told correctly. Four hours is a half day - half of 8 hours, which is a full day. NOBODY is paid to eat. Why would an employer pay you to sit on your behind and eat lunch for an hour?
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2018-02-12 11:55 pm
if you are told it is 1 that is the employer's choice, there is nothing general about it, he determines what half a day is
2018-02-12 9:33 pm
It depends not every company has the same hours in a work day
2018-02-12 9:06 pm
Usually lunches are unpaid doesn't matter if they're a 1/2 hr or an hour.
Leaving at 1 would mean working 4 hours instead of 3 + hours, Which is considered a half day if you work 8.5 hrs.

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