Can you accept it if your not genetically Suited to have kids and can you keep Yourself from having them?

2018-02-12 1:42 pm

回答 (8)

2018-02-12 7:23 pm
I am not genetically suited to have healthy children.

I will not have children.

... I would have been a good father. I don't know about that to be honest,,, but its what my adopted children tell me.
2018-02-12 1:55 pm
few can. that is why we have so many stupid kids: stupid parents.
in fact, sometimes, it feels like those are the only ones breeding. ever seen Idiocrasy?
2018-02-12 1:54 pm
You can prevent yourself from having kids for any reason. Growing up with my mother was enough of a deterrent for me.
2018-02-12 1:59 pm
Can we start by excluding those who use "your" instead of "you're?"
2018-02-12 1:48 pm
If you are not genetically suited to have kids, it would seem very easy to not have them. I am not genetically suited to fly, and I am quite capable to not do it.
2018-02-12 1:48 pm
If your family has arthritis, uneven sized limbs, bald spots, eye problems, hereditary
Diseases or birth defects or are prone to being addicted to drugs or prone to violence
Or have a long family line of criminals, mental problems, etc etc

( your not genetically suited to have kids ) now can you do the right thing and don't
Have kids. End the burden placed on society of weak, frail or damaged kids and end
The violence some families bring into this world.
2018-02-12 1:45 pm

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