Is it to late to start my own web and domain hosting site?

2018-02-12 1:35 pm

回答 (7)

2018-02-12 4:46 pm
Yes, it's nearly 11pm. Go to bed and start fresh in the morning.
2018-02-13 4:45 am
- As a web "developer", yes, it is too late: too many "web builders" free for anyone. I gave up 10 years ago: no business.
- As domain hosting is another matter. You need to register as a domain provider. Not easy, but possible. Competition is fierce.
- As a HOSTING site, it is a question of money:
--- You must be physically close to an "Internet backbone" location, and be connected, at least, with fiber optics.
--- You must be registered as a DNS (domain name server)
--- You must have enough computer power to supply your clients.
--- A basic set-up will set you back $20-50,000, in Europe, 10 times more in US (Crazy americans!)
2018-02-13 4:29 am
You can always build a better mousetrap.
2018-02-12 8:46 pm
Only if you think it is!
2018-02-12 1:57 pm
no. in fact, if you have your own server, and are in a big enough city with little to no local competition, you might thrive. ESPECIALLY if you offer website building as a service...
2018-02-16 3:16 am
Never late
2018-02-12 1:55 pm
I guess not. do you mean in terms of competitors? if so, then probably.
2018-02-12 1:46 pm

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