Saying White privilege is racist. Nobody has a privilege for being White, we are all equal, I think we've had enough of the black race batin?

2018-02-12 1:32 pm
Saying White privilege is just another attempt to accuse all White people of a wrong just for being born White. The nicest White person will not only be accused of having a privilege but he will also be blamed for it. He will be blamed just for the basis of being White, how is this not anti-white racism?

回答 (10)

2018-02-12 1:34 pm
"Saying White privilege is just another attempt to accuse all White people of a wrong just for being born White."

No, it's not. You either can't understand what people have been saying or don't want to.
2018-02-12 1:36 pm
Oh, baloney. "Those with privilege see equality as oppression."
I'm very well aware that I have white privilege. I had an advantage at school for speaking "white English" and I'm pretty much invisible to the police now. I've been stopped once by police in many years of driving. The guy who was killed for reaching for his glove compartment had been stopped 46 times!!!! No one is that bad a driver.
2018-02-12 2:10 pm
The left has been saying that just being white means you are racist. Not sure what they are getting out of all this type of talk except division of Americans. I hope it is worth it to them.
2018-02-12 2:05 pm
White privilege is very real.
2018-02-12 1:38 pm
I wish people could read context clues and not force educated liberals to spell everything out for them. But the term White Privilege is not about race. It's called white privilege because the overwhelming majority of people who have enough resources and connections to make it impossible to fail are white. And if course, when your whole life is set up for you, it's only natural to be really defensive and angry when it's brought up. But at some point you have to be a grown up and realize that people who have actually earned things will have a hard time taking these people seriously.
2018-02-12 1:43 pm
2018-02-12 3:01 pm
"White-privilege" is just the latest PC buzzword to shame white people into silence. "Racist" has been so overused it has lost its charm....
2018-02-12 1:40 pm
You never tire of this lol
2018-02-12 1:38 pm
It’s real, it’s just not at all what you think it is. You aren’t mad that whites are accused of having it, you’re mad that nobody handed your broke *** any privileges. Poverty sucks for everybody, doesn’t matter what color you are.
2018-02-12 1:35 pm
Feeling guilty?

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