Shadows in this partially colourised pic from WW1 puzzle me. Shadows OF the men falling across the road at right-angle to officers'. How so?

2018-02-12 3:43 am

回答 (6)

2018-02-12 3:51 am
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This pic looks very much to me like it was photoshopped from two separate pics.
2018-02-12 3:56 am
It is two photos that have been blended to look like one.
Notice in the color side the back-ground buildings are rather ordinary but the buildings in the B/W are war-torn.
It is a statement photo, the brightly colorised new soldiers listening to the war-weary older vets.
2018-02-12 8:41 am
The men on the right have their shadow falling on a almost flat surface which is perpendicular to the way they are standing. While those on the left as standing of debris or something else and in front of a building. So of course the shadows would be different.
2018-02-12 4:46 am
The sun is behind the soldiers' left shoulders.

What you're claiming is a ninety degree angle is actually a forty five degree angle, which the mass of enlisted men makes a sold mass.

Look at the individual helmet shadows, which all line up. Notice how their left chins and necks are in direct sunlight.
2018-02-14 6:12 am
Insofar as the shadows, the shadows are aligned with the direction of the light. the half-finished colorization is simply still incomplete, obviously meaning the person did not finish what he/she started doing and we'll never know why since that person is probably long, long dead... unless the colorization is a modern colorization done through computer digital enhancing techniques.
2018-02-12 7:26 pm
Quite likely, in fact almost certainly, the part on the right is a recent posed photo. There was no practical form of colour photography which could be used "in the field" in WW1, it does not seem to be a "coloured up" part of a b/w photo. You can also see that the road surface varies between the left and the right side.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:55:52
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