I’m going on a third date with a girl I met on Tinder... Is it too early to tell her that I like her?

2018-02-11 9:42 pm
We know each other for a week and a half... but she seems that she is pretty comfortable near me

回答 (2)

2018-02-11 10:11 pm
Don't do it.
I think it would scare her off. The assumption is that you like her and you've only known her a week. Play it cool man
2018-02-11 9:51 pm
It depends on what you mean by saying something like this to her.

I think it's better to say what you really mean, rather than use a euphemism or code and make her guess what you really mean by that.

She already knows that you like her. And her guess probably will be that you want to have some commitment with her, when you tell her that you like her. So, why not just tell her this openly and honestly, rather than beat around the bush?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:00:51
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