whats the actual Full UK License date after revoked?

2018-02-11 12:12 am
Dear Yahoo Users/ DVLA experts,

What to answer when Insurance Company ask" how long have you hold you full uk driving licence"?

What to answer when Insure company ask " when did I pass my driving test"?

Story: I originally passed my driving test in Feb 2016, I got caught by a police during late July 2017 and got revoked my license with 6 points and £300 fine. I didn t know untill a police tell me i have problems with my insurance company that they stopped my insurance, but then I took driving test again in Feb-2018.

Kind Regards

回答 (5)

2018-02-11 12:29 am
Your first licence was revoked. It’s almost the same as if it never existed to start with, although the conviction, penalty points and licence revocation remain on your driving record so you still have to tell insurers about them. You must also say “yes” when your insurer asks if you’ve ever had insurance declined or withdrawn.

If you have just passed another driving test then that counts as the date from when you obtained a full UK licence. Any unspent penalty points from your last conviction will still apply to your new licence.

You may have obtained a new licence, but actually getting insured to drive at any price will likely be nearly impossible for you for the next few years. And when you can get insured it will cost far more for quite a few years than you otherwise would have paid.
2018-02-11 9:25 pm
How long have you held a license? You have held a license for as long as you had a valid (not revoked) license.
You passed your test when you FIRST passed your test (Feb, 2016).

I don't think it will matter though because most insurance companies are not going to insure you anyway because of your prior insurance problems and your license revocation.
2018-02-18 3:08 am
1/ You MUST tell them that you had your licence revoked
2/ If you don't any insurance you get will be void for non-disclosure of relevent information
3/ You will not believe how much insurance is going to cost you for around 6 years to come, if you even get quotes.
Try and fool an insurance company and they will nail you to the floor.
2018-02-11 2:31 am
so you got nicked for no insurance ...fine and 6 points on licence ...the points are valid for 3 years ...the point stay on for 4 years ..but the points dont count after the 3 ...now your troubles really begin ..trying to get a company to insure you ...for sure the main companies wont touch you ...go on the net ..type in something like ..insurance for a driver with points etc ...a few should come up ...but you will be paying an awful lot for at least 4 years .....the best way is tell them the truth ..
2018-02-11 2:11 am
Frankly need to check with the insurance company...

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