does anyone else feel this way?

2018-02-10 6:12 pm
i really hate it when people i'm close with tell me what i am and what i'm not because they find the things i say too negative as if i'm being down on myself when i'm really just being honest and i know there are both good and bad qualities about myself but i don't need you to name them to give me validation because i actually don't care at all and i know exactly who i am and what i'm like and how i can be so when people try to be nice to me when i'm talking about myself i want to punch them in the face and i get very annoyed because i don't need kindness or validation or reassurance that i am or i'm not a certain way because i know myself more

does anyone else feel this way lol

i'm not down on myself i don't hate or punish myself for being a certain way that isn't socially acceptable because i'm just a person and i own my thoughts and feelings so when people tell me that i'm amazing and special and not a certain way that may be seen as negative i get extremely annoyed because i'd much rather just be the way i am without people trying to make me feel better about something i don't feel bad about

回答 (4)

2018-02-11 4:20 am
I used to and learned others take you as you are or they aren't friends.
There's no way you should even allow these types of conversations in the first place.
2018-02-10 8:41 pm
Please remember others views are not facts

And never will be, don’t take too much

on board thanks.

Very best wishes


Source:) Study.
2018-02-10 6:48 pm
I can tell you're young.

You're talking in circles for self-validation.
參考: <=Been there. I had to vent to grow up. You'll get there. <3 No, I'm not being mean. Being real. :D
2018-02-10 6:23 pm
Sure, it may get annoying, but your friends are there for you to remind you of what a good person you are and why they became friends with you in the first place... That's what friends are for.. they're there for you in the best moments and the sucky ones! It sucks feeling like your friends are telling you who you are and who you aren't, but if you think about it, we don't come off as the same person to every single person we encounter.. You may rub one person one way, and another person a completely different way. That's why diff people have diff perspectives of us (lol, hello haters!) .. TBH My friends do it too, and I may even be guilty as charged for doing this to my friends.. Again, we mean it in as good a way as possible..!! Good luck

PS (please don't punch your friends!! hehe)

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