2018-02-10 5:37 pm
Can you please help with this question. I have been asked to read the scenario and consider what is felt would be important considerations if you were to work with this patient clinically and what specific questions would you ask the patient.

Sam is a 21 year old student who since moving away from home to go to university 6 months ago has been feeling quite down and stressed. Sam has difficulties with sleep and often wakes up feeling fatigued and tired, which lasts throughout the day. Sam's tiredness gets slightly better in the afternoon after a nap sometimes lasting for a couple of hours. Sam finds this helps as it makes the day go faster as Sam finds it hard to be interested in doing anything.

Sam has begun to fall behind with university work spending days sitting in front of the TV or just 'pottering'. Sam struggles to concentrate and look at university work leads to Sam feeling a failure.Sam use to enjoy seeing friends and going to the cinema but doesn't know anyone at university to do these things with and now seems quite isolated.

Sam's thoughts when at home are mostly negative for example ruminating on negative things with thoughts like "i'm a failure" and "I'm letting my family down". Sam feels there's is no point in keeping up with personal hygiene, for example only showering every few days and not brushing teeth regularly.

Sam's parents have become very worried and made an appointment with a GP for Sam.

回答 (3)

2018-02-10 8:50 pm
tell him brushing teeth is good for himself. it is not a duty. another thing is, being alone doesn't help things. better to receive help from the community where support is available. tell this to sam. another thing is, being admitted into uni is a privilege, treasure the moments in uni with friends you know uni life can be fun at times you just need some work that's all. sam needs encouragement. does he has an appointment with a social worker so he could start to improve his life
he would be much better off receiving help from outside sources, in fact, everyone does. who doesn't? think about this. think about your future outcomes will be greatly depend on how you go on daily routines. you must put effort into something, or nothing will be achieved. sam needs to stay motivated and become a better person, with the help from his social worker or therapist or something he is interested in. he is still a good person, no matter what the outcome is, but his profile needs work. maybe he could share his thoughts with his colleagues at uni, others might be able to lead a hand or something? one way could work - reward himself after working - this will improve his concentration.
2018-02-10 7:38 pm
I think Sam will turn out fine, as many of the greatest ideas have been

Discovered doing ordinary things like Potter ING around,

Albert Einstein discovered some key ideas thinking about trains going

By and relative time leading to his famous equation E = MC2.

Very best wishes


Source:) Discovery channel and through the wormhole with

Morgan Freeman!
2018-02-10 6:00 pm

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