I want to know if I was cursed from birth?

2018-02-10 1:13 pm
I have complete negativity in my life. I have no intelligence whatsoever, I am a social outcast and have no friends. Can't do simple tasks.

My life is spiraling out of control. I have no job and I can't depend on my poor parents any more. Suicide seems like the only option left. I am tired of being bullied by everyone for being simple-minded. It took me a long time to realize that life is just a game where the luckiest and smartest people win. People like me who have no brains deserve to die.

回答 (5)

2018-02-10 1:17 pm
No, people like you don't deserve to die. You just haven't yet found what you're really good at.
2018-02-10 6:25 pm
Hey you say you have no intelligence but you didn't make a single spelling or grammatical error which is better than most people!
I think you can do whatever you set your mind to. Look past the negativity and think about what all you can achieve when you find the right crowd.
There are friends out there for everyone and once you find them you will feel more inspired! You can do it!!! :)
2018-02-10 8:14 pm
Sir Mam,

Your brighter than you give yourself credit for.

Please see your religious adviser today re

Being cursed thanks.

Very best wishes


Source:) Straight ethics.
2018-02-10 1:54 pm
you can try to think simple, like everybody does. better to have poor parents then left alone for the rest of your life.
try to make friends online or begin chatting like everybody does. we got nothing to lose but a whole life to win you can try to improve with the help from your peers their conversations have wisdom behind it have you noticed that
2018-02-10 1:27 pm
You don't deserve a premature death. I want you to look at the big picture. You can't help that the world you were born into was overrun and overruled by people who think they're smarter and better than everyone. It is hard for everyone to find their way in this world because there are just so many of us and so little opportunity. It isn't your fault that you are struggling to conform. I don't know how old you are but it sounds like you're struggling to find work so I want you to look up local rehabilitation programs. They help people work through their problems and take people to practice working different jobs in different environments and eventually help get you a paying job. It is free if you qualify, and I believe you do. Not everyone knows such a thing exists but it is there to help people at low points in life survive.

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