why can't suicide be acceptable?, if I don't enjoy life at all, why can't it be it ok to end it?

2018-02-10 1:08 am

回答 (16)

2018-02-10 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is probably because of people's instinctive aversion to dying.
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I agree that each person should have a right to guide own life and his death (to the degree that they can.)
In the U.S. each person is allowed to choose any career he wishes and can even choose "no" career. It is legal for him to live anywhere, drive anywhere and buy anything according to his desires and abilities.

Every person must die. There are no exceptions. It should be made socially acceptable for an adult to end his own life for any reason regardless of health. (He can do that anyway, no matter which law is broken and no one can do anything about it after the fact. A great many people do that.)

Why is it considered a good thing to put a suffering animal to death for "its own good" but not allow people to do that with themselves?
2018-02-10 3:48 am
Because people think that people owe other people to continue living. They don't respect the suicidal people enough to respect their choice to end their misery. And they will often spout out how their life will get better, without providing any logical elaboration on why they believe that to be the case.
2018-02-10 2:48 am
My friend committed suicide. It has been over ..... years since she did that. She left a husband of 25 years of marriage, right after their 25th Anniversary she killed herself. How do you think he felt? She left 3 children. I know how they felt. I saw them in church and they were all mad as heck!!! Yes, I felt sorry for her circumstances, but there were so MANY OTHER WAYS to solve her problem, and so many people to help her do it. I am still angry with her, and Life has moved along without her, but I carry within me the hurt, the pain, the rage, and the anger I have for her. And so does her husband and her three children. It is NOT all about you. Your actions have consequences way beyond what you will ever think or know about.
2018-02-10 1:13 am
It really doesn't matter what the rest of us think to the person committing suicide, now does it?
2018-02-10 8:55 pm
there is a time to die. it is like marriage. it cannot be forced otherwise inappropriate. it's the way of nature and things. you may ask, why birds sing at a particular instance? why sun rises from the east? it is all about the laws of the universe. it has its timing. so, rush not. there is a time for birth and there is a time for passing away. the way of life.
2018-02-10 1:24 am
Well, I'm a Christian, so I believe that it's a sin to commit suicide
2018-02-10 10:46 am
I'm so sorry you feel you have nothing to continue to live for regardless of the negative things or people we might encounter Life is a precious gift from our Creator who cares for us and a Gift should be cherished tooken care of appreciated so whatever or whoever is the reason you feel this way pray about it and regardless of who doesn't seem to care or who might not be listening Almighty God is a hearer of prayers. Try it ask for help guidance courage strength endurance and hope. James 1:17 1 Peter 5:7 Psalms 65:2 Matthew 7:7 hope this encourage and up build you.
2018-02-10 2:59 am
Its only what we have been taught since we were born.
Even though I had a few friends kill themselves I understand your point.
Its slowly being made legal though with stipulations.
Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Canada, and in the US states of Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Vermont, Montana, Washington DC, and California.
2018-02-10 1:22 am
Generally, it is seen this way because there will always be ways to make something good out of what you have, and it doesn't simply affect yourself but EVERYONE around you. If you simply end it, that's it, you will just be gone from the world. There is always something you can do to make your life better. If you truly do feel this way, nothing should hold you back from doing exactly what it is that you want to do right? So go out and do it, in any way you can. In your case, it's do everything you want or eliminate any chance of happiness. Start over, find what it is you enjoy, and go for it 100%.
2018-02-10 2:24 am
Well, you're basically murdering your own life, and murdering is a crime. Also, people would be left to pick up the pieces afterwards, which would lead to more problems and money spending and everything. It's just a hassle, really. They'd rather just make it illegal to try to get something out of it. That's what I think it's for, anyway.

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