How do military cuts work? Specifically towards troops.?

2018-02-09 9:23 pm
Say they are cutting 2000 troops, do they just fire them on the spot? Let their contract run out? Or just not recruit anymore?

回答 (8)

2018-02-09 10:00 pm
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No; there are a number of factors that go into this and cutting back. The larger the number-the deeper the cuts. They first look at those that are retiring usually and who have dropped their paperwork to do so and factor that number into this. Then they start looking at those MOSs or AFSCs where they have an overage in numbers and some of those who are up for re-enlistment are selected based on things like rank, and their record. That and how well their MOS or job field can still function with the reduction of their number are all taken into consideration with this and the projected future needs of the military service in those job fields as well. People are kept from re-enlisting and forced out at that point when their enlistment is up. Beyond this if they still need to cut they then start looking at forcing those out that might not be that close to enlistment also. Some of all this also goes with right-sizing as well and they sometimes shifting a greater number of enlistees into that job field then or having some that are already in cross training. Rank structure and the number of NCOs, and enlisted below that along with those in officer slots are all looked at and factored into all this as well. During my 34 years of military service I saw a number of NCOs as well as officers forced out or not aloud to re-enlist either because of manning and budget cutbacks or they were in a job or career field that could more easily absorb those cuts. Some of them were really good people but just in the wrong job at the wrong time.
2018-02-10 2:13 am
The three major ways are
1) Offer early outs
2) Reduce recruitment
3) Let contracts expire
2018-02-09 9:58 pm
No, they do not just fire people on the spot. Normally, they will just let the contract runs out & do not allow the person to re-enlist, ask people to volunteer to get out of the contract earlier, force the people that are in trouble/do not meet the annual physical standards out, and/or decrease the available slots in receiving new recruits.
2018-02-10 3:19 am
all 3

some are forced out-- usually the one who have been in trouble or poor performers
they also allow fewer to reenlist
and they may ct the recruiting numbers
2018-02-10 12:13 am
Generally, they just recruit less and let the numbers drop down to the goal.

Sometimes (very rarely) they will offer incentives for someone to retire early.
2018-02-09 9:42 pm
They let their contracts run out, and do not recruit to replace them.

They do have other options like letting people voluntarily out of their contracts.
2018-02-10 9:57 am
They have planned accessions and separations. They can easily cut new troops coming in until they have the numbers worked out. They can also fix the numbers by giving people early separation or retirement. Let say you signed up for four years active and four years inactive reserve. They can let you off active duty early, flipping you over to the inactive reserves. That counts as a loss of a person but they still got you on the rope with the reserve time. If all else fails they can have a special board to kick people out. It would work something like a promotion board except those on the bottom get the boot instead of those on top getting promoted.
2018-02-10 5:21 am
No, they cannot just "fire" people on the spot. You sign an enlistment CONTRACT, and the Gov't has to keep their end..........just as you have to keep yours. That's why you sign a legally binding CONTRACT.

The way cuts and drawdowns work, is that they simply stop offering many people the chance to RE-ENLIST.

Re-enlisting is NOT a guarantee. They can simply say......."Thanks, but no thanks"---we don't need you anymore.........and when your contract is're cashed out and sent home........even if you WANT to stay in.

During my time.......and the Clinton Drawdown........that's when they started all this PT nonsense. .....and now making failing 3 PT tests in a row, grounds for being thrown out.

Suddenly ,. all these porky E-6's and Chiefs, were required to do runs.....and many simply couldn't meet the new requirement. We had a guy with 17 years in...........3 shy of retirement........and he couldn't do the run in the required they processed him OUT. He begged and pleaded----but they were in full draw down mode and looking for easy targets . Ya had chain smokers who couldn't run a block.......but they could do the sit ups and push ups, but still got kicked out.

They could also lower recruit quota's.........simply taking IN less people.......for a time.

Another component of the draw down, was making passing the advancement exams near impossible, with ridiculous numbers you couldn't reach even if you ACED the exam.

She still needed like 4 or 5 extra points.....often obtained by having various medals or awards. If you had no such extra points, your chances of advancing were zero.

Those who got tired of staying the same rank year after year, finally got disgusted and got out.

Who wants to be an E-3, or E-4 for 10 years, with no chance of advancement?

and that was another requirement..........if you DIDN'T make rank in X amount of years.........they could kick you out for that too.

I knew an E-5......who got busted down to E.4----then screwed up again, and got busted down to E-3.........with like 12 years in.

When he got busted to E-3......he ran afoul of the rank/time in, requirement......and was promptly processed out. -----against his will. He still wanted to do his 20 and hopefully regain his rank........but they kicked him out.

There's a few other ways, to control the number of people being let in or let go.

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