Why do I feel the sensation of blood on my foot when I sleep?

2018-02-09 12:43 pm
When I sleep, I usually press my feet together to create some warmth, like when you rub your hands together when it's cold, because my room is very cold. When I do this it feels like I cut my foot with my other foots toe nails, and I just have a sensation of my toes bleeding out. I always reach down to touch but i don't feel anything at all. I check for cuts but cant find any, not even sweat. The sensation lasts from minutes to hours sometimes and it's very uncomfortable. Is this a psychological problem, anybody else experience this?

回答 (2)

2018-02-09 1:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Are you sure your feet aren't sweating from becoming too warm? But if that's not the case, it may be an involuntary nerve sensation such as the feeling of skin crawling. Try wearing thick socks to bed so that (1) your feet will be warm, and (2) the pressure and sensation of the fabric may give the nerves something to do so they don't have to generate signals that aren't there.

And please explain why you felt the need to make your post anonymous. I see this all the time from people posting the most mundane questions, such as what you posted, who switch it to anonymous as if they're trying to protect their already-anonymous online identity from shame or scrutiny.
2018-02-09 2:39 pm
Is one of your feet wounded it could be real?

Please see a doctor to discuss it might even

Be a cat peeing so that could possibly be

Another cause to feel it through or in the bed?

So it might cause an infection but remember

Or heat rash that feels like you desribe?

I am Not a doctor, ok?

Very best wishes


Source:) Just guessing, please see a doctor or

nurse to dress wound if wounded ok?

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