Do you think Libertarianism as an ideology is far more harmful than we are aware?

2018-02-09 12:32 pm
It's just too simplistic. "The state is evil, coercion is wrong." <--- they imply coercion only comes at the hands of state, not that it is an innate property of human psychology. Thus its idealism resembles Marxism, the disregard of human psychology for a wish to implement a seemingly "morally pure" system.
Your thoughts?

回答 (3)

2018-02-10 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think most of "the state is evil" etc. is nothing more than leftover teenage rebellion against parents. It is entirely practical and beneficial to have a state that governs. From traffic lights to quality control of medications to schools to military protection. We have to work together in a coordinated way to maximize our societal capabilities, and someone has to call the play, coordinate things. That's all. There's nothing profound about it - evil, conspiracies, all that - nah. Just practicality.
2018-02-10 12:03 am
yeah if you say so. sometimes we need a timetable to plan/organize things. (too much freedom is bad...for me at least. yes me what about u agreed?) but it's a point of view not that I am empathizing anything in particular I am only expressing a comment so...what do you think of this idea of liberal? My thoughts doesn't have anything to do with the task so...I rather not be bothered have fun guys
2018-02-09 7:15 pm
I didn’t understand the question because

My training was in counselling and informal

Psychology as the two are closely related.

So politics l do not understand but

Keven Rudd was the best and most decent!

And have a great today

Very best wishes


Source:) Study.

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