Why should anyone feel remorse for treating others like sht when everyone does equally the same to said person?

2018-02-09 9:54 am
Is it something deeper, maybe autism?

回答 (6)

2018-02-10 1:03 am
Everyone should feel remorse if they mistreat others - and oddly enough, everyone does. It damages us too, and we can beat ourselves numb by doing too much of it.
2018-02-09 10:38 am
cause theyre human and have feelings and they feel bad for doing something wrong
2018-02-09 6:21 pm
you get it all wrong. no foul language plz I think everything deserves some level form of respect. we should respect others in any form no judgement plz otherwise bias will form
2018-02-09 1:06 pm
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
2018-02-09 12:49 pm
I agree
2018-02-12 5:50 pm
I Guess so you can lay claim to being kind and

show that your not a sleep that folk can control, hey?

So a Very ok type of okness!

Very best wishes.


Source:) Study.

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