Can somebody explain to me why is impossible to change somebodyelse`s behaviour?

2018-02-09 8:05 am

Okay, I got it. I know that the only particular person, that can decide over their actions, is that particular person him/herself... but, what about, doing some knid of "influencing" on their behaviour so they may actually change, for instances... a toxic person. What if that person can actually change, or else, stop being an ********* because I put that person in their place or I just treat them as lovely as I can (because I don't wanna misstreat them)? Because if I can only change my self and my perspective on the matter... I interpret that as being a "pushover/dormant" and to just let them walk all over me; and to try as hard as I can, to not think about too much so that it may not affect me (is for dormants too, I guess??) You know, I am a bit confused here! haha ;) :) Please, help! :D I hope you had a good laugh while reading this... :D T h a n k Y o u !

回答 (4)

2018-02-10 1:10 am
We can't easily change someone else's behavior. We can, however, communicate to them that their behavior is offensive. That changes things. Now they know. Then it's on them if they keep doing it.
2018-02-10 12:09 am
because we are humans and humans are originated from cells. cells can be classified into different species but rarely change its form entirely unless it evolves into something else(evolution or variation) otherwise not. If they change their body their body will cease to function/exist, thereby they will suffer or die if change inappropriately. unless it evolves of course.
2018-02-09 5:11 pm
Yes even a toxic person can change, once they discover the games they

Play, and learn new and healthy ways of getting their needs met.

Then they might start normal human behaviour and even discover some

Real happiness. Re being a pushover/dormant can be changed into

Assertive behaviour, fear reducing and mutually respectful treatement of all.

So what would help the person is an assertiveness course, where they

Role played, pushover/dormant/ passive role plays, assertiveness role

Plays and agressive role plays, all based on the idea that we all have

Natural human rights, to some this is good news and a permenant way

Out of fearful behaviour, ok?

I liked your question!

And have a splendid today

Very best wishes


Source:) Groups l’ve done many many years ago.
2018-02-09 8:08 am
You have to get them to want to change. I'm not good at that, but Jesus was.

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