Spanish questions , please help?

2018-02-09 1:29 am
Escoge el equivalente de la palabra entre paréntesis
1. Quiero (attend to, to serve) a esas personas.
A.) Atender
B.) Ayudar

Conjuga el verbo entre paréntesis a la forma correcta del condicional

2. ¿(Poder) él estudiar esta noche?
A.) Podría
B.) Podrías
C.) Podrá

3. ¿Quién (poder) venir a buscarme?
A.) Podrías
B.) Podrá
C.) Podría

回答 (4)

2018-02-09 1:57 am
To learn is really helpful if you try to make your homework...
2018-02-09 1:34 am
1. A 2. A 3. C
2018-02-09 3:04 am
Yes, you have to be careful here. Some people think it's funny to give wrong answers.
2018-02-09 5:02 am
1. A - Atender
They're trying to show if you want to say "help" customers it's a different word from "help" with a specific task like help carry this.

In #2 and #3, I think they're trying to show that you use the future tense podrá for things in the future and if you're wondering or not certain. You only use the conditional, podría, if it would happen under a specific condition or if you wondering about something that may have happened in the past but you really don't know.

You generally would not say "would he be able to study tonight" to convey "I wonder if he can study." In Spanish you say "will he be able (podrá) to study tonight", and that means you're either asking about the future but also distancing yourself from it as if you're wondering and you really don't think there's a clear yes/no answer.

2. C

3. B

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