question for someone who is familiar with the law?

2018-02-08 6:34 am
I live in georgia i got a speeding ticket for 69 in a 45 i understand it can take up to ten business days until the ticket is "in the system" but i received the ticket january 7th 2018 and it is February 7 and they still dont have it in the system. i called the number on the ticket and the court and went online and it isnt available to pay so what do i do i dont want to get my licence suspended for this

回答 (7)

2018-02-08 7:10 am
Go in person to the Department of Driver Services and pay the ticket in person.
Make SURE you get a receipt, and if you are paying by check, make SURE there are sufficient funds in the account. Once the check clears, ask your bank for a copy of the cleared check, and keep it with your vehicle information in your files.
2018-02-08 5:09 pm
It may already be suspended. That's not "just" speeding. It is excessive speeding and it will involve the assessing of points on your record. Read the ticket. Send in payment for the fine.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2018-02-08 9:46 am
speeding that fast is reckless driving, you don't just pay a fine. you go to court and hope you don't go to jail. get a lawyer NOW.
2018-02-08 7:20 am
contact the particular OFFICER'S superior at the station from which the summons was issued. There APPEARS to be a record keeping "glitch", and you should not have to be punished for whatever they did or did not do to follow procedure.
2018-02-08 6:53 am
If I were you I would call the court rather than relying on what some stranger on the internet told me.
2018-02-08 6:41 am
What law would we need to be familiar with. Do you have the ticket? Send the money in anyhow
2018-02-08 6:50 am
You could start by not being such an idiot while behind the wheel.

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