Nothing Helps My Chapped Lips?

2018-02-07 4:12 am
I've been on Accutane for about six months, and I think I only have a month left, although my dermatologist told me that it'll still stay in my system for around another six months. My lips are badly chapped. I've tried everything. Aquaphor, Vaseline, Burts Bees, Dr Dan's, Chapstick, and just plain face moisturizer/lotion. None of its worked. I drink a good bit of water. On school days, I drink four to five bottles a day. On weekends, when I'm home, I may drink twice that amount. Survivors of Accutane, can you recommend me any tips or brands that I may not have tried? Thanks.

回答 (5)

2018-02-07 5:15 am
Sheep manure.


Find a local sheep herder, and ask him if you can COLLECT the tiny littel sheep turds once day. They HAVE to be fresh! No more than 3=-4 hours old. unfrozen, and soft and squishy.

[Fresh sheep turds are tiny little thing, about the size of M&Ms without the candy coating.

When the sheep does a #2, it wags its tail REALLY FAST, and this throws those little turds out about 10 to 15 feet. This make it harder for predators like wild dogs, wolves, or mountain lions to track them.]

So now, YOU find those fresh turds, and put them in a covered Tupperware bowl. And about every two hours, yopu take 2 or 3 of them and rub them on you lips like Burts Bees or Vaseline.

It doesn't heal them, but it will keep you from licking them.

Licking your chapped lips is the CAUSE of your problem.
2018-02-07 4:16 am
I suggest asking your Dr; he/she may be able to provide an Rx
2018-02-07 3:21 pm
Chap stick lip balm try it
2018-02-07 8:57 am
Try these pads for acne. No side effects. One simple step that works to keep acne and acne scars away.
Niacinamide (aka Niapads ®) face pads help keep acne away by scrubbing open clogged pores, oily residues blackheads and exfoliation. Feel a pimple coming? Just wet a pad, place it on the pimple and remove it when dry. Sit back and watch pimple disappear. Works on body acne too.
These pads also help reduce skin hyperpigmentation (acne scars). Try it and see the difference.
2018-02-07 4:21 am
the dermatologist you went too is an idiot and the medication he prescribed too you is not for chapped lips it's for severe acne and if i was you i would see a better dermatologist

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