Who Were The Five Best And Five Worst Presidents?

2018-02-07 1:31 am

Abraham Lincoln
Franklin Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Thomas Jefferson


Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
John Tyler
Millard Filmore


回答 (8)

2018-02-07 1:47 am

Nixon.........goes without saying.......both he and his vice president were forced to RESIGN due to crimes.
Reagan ahould have been impeached over the Iran Contra Scandal, but they got Ollie North to take the fall.
George W. Bush was a total joke......the Iraq war a total and complete farce all based on phony lies.
Andrew Jackson for the Trail of Tears.
and Trump , for sure, is easily heading for worst idiot to ever disgrace the office.

5 Best......

2018-02-07 1:41 am
Thomas Jefferson - Mostly for his work on the Constitution. technically as just what he did as pres, he would fall to #9.
George Washington - He wasn't great BUT he did one thing that gets him #2 spot. He refused to be king. Imagine that. Actually having been offered this and not taking this title.
Abe Lincoln
FDR???? - This is really a question. He set up popular socialism in the US. The end effect is not yet known.

Andrew Jackson - Trail of tears AGAINST the wishes of Congress
Andrew Johnson

Sally, this si what I mean when I criticize your view. It is entirely one-sided and extremely ignorant of history. 1st, even placing Trump in the list little more than 1 year into his presidency, is pretty silly.

But let me ask you a question. You ALWAYS seem to think you are smarter and more moral then those who would dare disagree with you. OK, let's test this.

Jackson was known to have anti-Native American policies. BUT it really came to a head when Andrew Jackson violated the wishes of CONGRESS and started the Trail of Tears killing 4000 Native Americans. We were not at war and Jackson VIOLATED the wishes of Congress to kill US citizens.

So what has Trump don that is worse than this??? Or George W or Nixon or Reagan? I can not wait to hear your much more enlightened view. AND after you have, you might want to ask why the person that asked the question and myself placed Johnson and Pierce so high on the worst list.

If you think any of your 4 recent presidents harmed the black community, you might want to at least look into the actions of Johnson and Pierce.
2018-02-07 2:02 am
T Roosevelt
FD Roosevelt

Nixon (A traitor)
LB Johnson
2018-02-07 1:42 am
Best: Lincoln, FDR, JFK, John Adams, Jimmy Carter.
Worst: Nixon, Reagan, GW Bush, Andrew Jackson and of course Trump.
2018-02-07 1:40 am
I still love James Madison. And I liked his wife's snack cakes.
2018-02-07 1:37 am
Your worst list is fine, in my opinion, but I would remove Franklin Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, and John Kennedy from your "best list" and replace them with George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan. Reagan would be last.
2018-02-07 3:08 am
How does Kennedy make the five best? He exposed our intelligence gathering ability when he declassified photos to show Russia's missiles in Cuba, was responsible for the Bay of Pigs disaster, and cheated on his wife. He wasn't in office long enough to make a difference.
2018-02-07 1:33 am
You've answered your own question, what are we supposed to do now?

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