Have any of you ever worked at, currently work at, owned, or currently own a bed and breakfast? Or at least stayed in one?

2018-02-06 10:23 pm
I'm designing a bed and breakfast for my college Senior Thesis project, so I'm trying to conducting research.
Is there anything you liked or didn't like?
Is there anything you would've changed about the space, design wise (i.e. size of the rooms, ease of travel throughout the building, lighting, etc.)?
Was there anything that could've made it better?
What is/was the greatest difficulty in owning an business like this?
Feel free to add anything else!

回答 (3)

2018-02-06 11:31 pm
I have stayed in a B&B a couple of times.
I liked having a table and chairs. We would have coffee and danish in our room.
At least a small breakfast severed or buffet laid out
Coffee/tea in the room.
Nothing overly themed. I don’t need fish or deer all over the place because I am near a lake.
Some natural light is nice. Reading light by the bed. Night light.(in bathroom?) Helps when you are in a unfamiliar place.
Free WiFi is a must.
Don’t care if there is a TV
Some sort of outside seating. Deck, porch
Owner and staff should be well informed on weather , traffic/ roads, directions, as well as things to do in the area.
I like that each room is different. Both in space and decor. I expect the space to have a special feature. A fireplace, a bay window, a reading nook.
A special feature for the building. In AZ the B&B we stayed at had a huge deck off to the side. Looked a bit out of place, it it was where there was the most shade during the day. It was well used. In Wisconsin they had a high fire pit outside for making S’mores.
Decent size bathroom. I hate feeling like I can’t even turn around it is so small. A tub not necessary. Some rooms with just a shower would be nice. I hate climbing in and out of a tub to shower.
B&B owners are on 27/7. If they have guests they are on duty.
You have to be able to deal with building emergencies quickly. Electricity goes out. Are flashlights in each room. Water tank leaks. Oven breaks.
2018-02-07 12:38 am
The best ones I've stayed at had a happy hour in the evening, with snacks and wine. The guests had a chance to get to know each other. One had some live musical entertainment.
Some served breakfast outside in good weather, in a courtyard setting.
2018-02-06 10:24 pm

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