幫忙翻譯 中文翻成英文 謝謝 請隨時幫忙加滿熱水壺裡的水 方便下一位使用?

2018-02-06 2:10 pm

回答 (3)

2018-02-06 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
請隨時幫忙加滿熱水壺裡的水 方便下一位使用.
Please fill the kettle up any time for the convenience of next user.
2018-02-08 11:15 pm
Please help to fill up the water kettle to facilitate the next one to use?
2018-02-06 4:07 pm
Would you please help fill up the pot with water anytime for the sake of convenience of our next customer?

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