how did world war 2 affect American life at home?

2018-02-06 9:47 am

回答 (8)

2018-02-06 8:36 pm
Dear Nicky, When our country joined WW II, the country worked together to produce and manufacture all commodities to support our soldiers in the war effort as noted in the comments provided by others.

It also created opportunities for women to demonstrate that they can perform most jobs that were considered reserved for men only. Women did everyting from manufacturing airplanes to flying them to the combat theater, to women playing professional baseball. It affected how women dressed as well. Women had to wear pants to work in the factories. This is what influenced women to stop wearing dresses and skirts to school. Best wishes to you Nicky Peter Anthony
2018-02-06 11:25 am
Many factories stopped making products for American consumers and converted to making war materials. Women began working at jobs only men had worked previously. Food, gasoline, and tires were rationed. Schools had newspaper and tin can drives. Millions of men were drafted for the military service.
2018-02-06 10:38 am
Men went off to war, women joined the service and worked in the factories.

Food, gasoline, rubber, cloth/clothing and metal were rationed.

People planted "victory gardens" to grow fruits and vegetables to eat to supplement the foods they were able to purchase.

People bought war bonds.

Kids gathered scrap metal for the war effort.

In coastal cities there were enforced black outs so that "the enemy" couldn't see them from the air.
參考: A google for WW2 Home Front would give you very comprehensive information about this subject.
2018-02-06 9:50 am
People pulled together for the war effort.
2018-02-06 11:08 am
Kids didn't have their Dads home for Christmas cause of the war
2018-02-06 10:21 am
There was rationing. Sugar, butter, meat, and other items were rationed. Gasoline as well as tires were also rationed & limited. And of course you sent your sons to the war. My grandparents had 3 sons, and 2 went to the services. One was a soldier in Patton's Army. And the other was a sailor in the Pacific fighting the Japanese. Their 3rd son (my pop), was not yet of draft age.
2018-02-07 2:24 am
Less men.
2018-02-06 10:38 am
It gave us world at war which had zombies which later led to zombies in games such as black ops 1, 2, and 3 as well as the additional call of duty world war 2. It gave us lots of entertainment

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