Why my Dog has lost 8 kg weight in 4 months?

2018-02-04 6:12 pm
My dog labrador, male, 5.5 y. o. Has lost around 8 kgs weight (42kg to 36 kg).

His diet has not been changed and is physically ok, with no signs of any illness and properly vaccinated.

However after consultation with vet, she said that its normal.

I am not convinced, please help!

回答 (11)

2018-02-04 6:45 pm
Unless you were aiming to get him less heavy, that's too much weight to lose for no reason. I'd be getting a second opinion! I'd certainly need to have a fecal test done (internal parasites).
2018-02-05 2:11 am
A second opinion is needed. Full blood count. Kidneys. Liver. Stool samples... the lot.
2018-02-04 6:44 pm
I suggest a second opinion from another vet.
Your vet should have given you an explanation as to "why" she thinks its normal if absolutely nothing in his feeding or exercise routine has changed over the 4 months.
2018-02-04 6:24 pm
Was he tested for worms and other internal parasites? See a different vet.
2018-02-04 11:24 pm
We have no idea not being vets, so the best you can do is to ask a different vet : Take a very recent stool sample with you And ask the second vet to check for internal parasites....
2018-02-07 5:17 pm
2018-02-05 3:09 am
I would not second guess someone who graduate from Vet School, passed the exams, is licensed, trusting a stranger on Yahoo Answers instead of the Vet.

I would get a second opinion.
2018-02-05 2:57 am
If you’ve seen a vet and the dog is not doing anything differently, I’d stop worrying.
2018-02-04 11:27 pm
Your Vet is far more qualified to help you than any of us. No Vets on this site.

No way will I counter a Vet, he/she knows more about Vet stuff than I do.
2018-02-04 9:43 pm
Then get a second opinion from another vet if you're not convinced or don't trust your vet, nothing YA can do for your dog, your dogs health and well being is in your hands, not ours....
2018-02-04 7:01 pm
eat wrong food
2018-02-04 8:57 pm
Just force it to drink very much water so that it makes up for its weight loss in water weight.

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