I'm 15 with a bmi of 15.5. Why do my thighs still touch at the top? I feel obese.?

2018-02-03 7:06 am

回答 (7)

2018-02-03 7:40 am
Your thighs touch at the top due your GENETICS. You've either got really muscular thighs and/or your legs are set close together. A lot of people can't get a thigh gap (without becoming seriously underweight) and truthfully, they are NOT attractive at all.

You feel obese? Have you ever been 50 or more pounds overweight? If not, then you have NO idea what obese feels like. It certainly doesn't have ANYTHING to do with some skin on the inside of your legs touching.
2018-02-03 7:16 am
Er, why does a lack of thigh gap become the defining feature of obesity?

You are already underweight and may be chasing something that doesn’t work for your body shape.
2018-02-03 11:40 am
You're not obese, you're a mermaid :)
2018-02-03 10:25 am
You feel obese because you're an insecure teenager.
2018-02-03 10:36 pm
Because you are healthy, normally shaped human being. Most people's thighs touch; unfortunately due to some anorexic models and photoshopped magazine covers, the "thigh gap" has become an unhealthy and unrealistic goal for many girls. No, you are not obese, as your bmi clearly shows. Aim to be a healthy, sexual human being, not a skeleton in clothes.
2018-02-03 7:13 am
Ask your parents for a mental evaluation, you need one.
2018-02-03 7:09 am
If you lose some weight your thighs won't touch at the top.

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