(A Streetcar named desire) how is Stanley cruel or intolerant of Stella in the beginning?

2018-02-01 6:46 pm
I'm ready this in school and I really don't know what to write, it would be so helpful if someone helped, ill choose best answer based off of detail ty.

回答 (2)

2018-02-01 10:56 pm
Read the opening scenes. See what Stanley says to Stella. Decide if he sounds cruel or intolerant, and list the lines that made you reach that opinion. If you don't think he does, then say so.
And by the way it is 'based ON' not 'based off of.'
2018-02-01 9:41 pm
Prove to us you read the beginning. Tell us what happens in the first few scenes, focusing on what Stanley says and does.

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