Can anyone explain to me why Primal Scream are 1387 on the list of top rock bands @Thetoptens?

2018-02-01 6:43 pm

just trying to put it into perspective blink 182 are pos 43 on the list...p..


hmm not sure anybody understood the question as I was hoping, what i meant was what would be your explanation why music fans would rate blink 182, so much higher than primal's not as if legendary bands and musicians from yesteryear do not attain high praise and highest positions,

回答 (4)

2018-02-02 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can explain to you how the rankings on lists at The Top Tens website are determined (or rather, the FAQs on the website can explain it):

How do you determine the order of lists?

Standard items in a primary list are ordered based on a system that factors in the number of votes each item receives as well as personal remixes created by members. The more votes an item has and the more prominently it is featured in member remixes, the higher it appears in the primary list. If there are no Trusted Partner listings in a list, the item with the most votes is in the number one spot, the items with the second most votes is in the number two spot, and so on. Trusted Partner listings always appear at the top of a list.

When a list is first created, the number one item on the list is assigned 10 votes, the number two item is assigned 9 votes and so on. Once the list is posted, other visitors can add votes to items on the list. Items will then move up and down the list according to the number of times the item has been voted on or the item's prominence in member lists. That way, the most popular items will move to the top of the list while less popular items will be pushed down.
2018-02-02 12:49 am
They were feeling generous?
2018-02-01 7:15 pm
Because they aren't very well liked.
2018-02-01 6:47 pm

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