How can I stop masturbating?

2018-02-01 12:25 pm

I've been doing it for so long I can't stop?

回答 (15)

2018-02-02 8:33 am
You dont need to. Masturbation is normal and healthy
2018-02-02 3:39 am
Although some men may refuse to admit, masturbation is a life-long activity.
2018-02-03 11:22 am
There's no reason to stop. Do it when you have the physiological need for relieving your sexual tensions, and don't do it when you don't feel the need. It's like eating when you're hungry, and not eating when you're not hungry.
2018-02-01 10:21 pm
It is just a voluntary act, so you simply choose not to do it. But if you are doing it because you have heard all the various myths that it "looses nutrients" or causes you some type of harm, stunts growth, all that garbage-- that is what it is- garbage. Masturbation is solo sex. Safest sex you can have. It is physiologically the same act as far as your body is concerned as sexual intercourse or any sexual act with someone else--- with solo sex you are simply providing manual stimulation to achieve full erection, reach climax and ejaculate, instead of using a partner's stimulation from the vagina or elsewhere for the same end result. Most teens masturbate daily, normal rate.
2018-02-01 12:29 pm
That's really up to you.

But since there is no reason why you should stop, you're not going to get good advice here.

Masturbation is nothing more than simple self pleasure. If you want to deny yourself Life's most basic pleasure, that's up to you. But there's no reason to do so.
2018-02-01 12:26 pm
While masturbation as an act may be natural, and while there is nothing physically wrong with it, please recognize that you have the right to make your own choices. You don't have to let this thing control you. You are an innocent person- your character was never touched masturbation. So, good for you for wanting to quit. If you have made that decision for yourself, that says a lot about you. I think it will also help you to know that it IS possible to do and has been done. So, here's one way to do it:
You are a strong, free individual. Your mind is yours, and urges can't control it. You CAN control your thoughts. You are a pure, innocent individual and always have been. Consistently and firmly reason from the standpoint that who you are, your good qualities, are set in stone and cannot be besmirched by this issue. So, every time the "masturbate" thought comes knocking, you slam the door right in it's face. Sometimes it actually helps to really picture doing that in your thought or make some motion, like punching over your shoulder or something.
The important thing to remember is that the urges to masturbate is not a big, scary thing that has the power to force you to do things. You have the dominion over them, not the other way around. Masturbation is not the master. Here's a few tips for dealing with both of them:

-Try to stay in public spaces as much as possible. I don't know if you are living with others, but if you are, staying around other people makes it basically impossible to do either of those things.

-Make bathroom visits only as long as they need to be, and be very careful to guard your thinking.

-Confide in someone you trust. If there's someone who you feel you can talk to about this, a friend can be excellent moral support. While they can't fight the fight for you, it's good to know that there's someone that has your back, and if you ever need to "cry on their shoulder" so to speak, that really helps. As I'm sure you are aware, internalizing this kind of stuff can be needlessly destructive.

-Try to get in touch with faith. This may not be for everyone, and I can't tell you what to do on this front, but my experience fighting and defeating these issues proved that, at least to me, having faith is of inestimable importance. I don't know if you are religious, but what I worked with is that God is all-powerful, he made all of his children upright, pure, and free, and that those facts must be borne out in life events. If God is all-power, than nothing else has any power- and that includes so-called "addictions" to masturbation. As God's children, we are all upright, and we all have dominion over these issues. Even knowing that God is a friend (and a very powerful one at that) who has your back goes a long way towards beating these things.

-Will is not the way. It's easy to slip into a desire to beat these things down with sheer willpower, and, while such a thing might be possible, it's not the best way to do it. Instead, beat it with reason and understanding of who you really are, and the nothingness of those issues, and they will eventually melt away.

-Be patient with yourself. You may encounter slip-ups. Even the most earnest freedom fighter on this issue has bad days. So don't beat yourself up if you relapse. It happens to everyone and does NOT mean that you are a horrible person. Just think of them as bumps on the road to freedom. Know that setbacks are not permanent, and NEVER, EVER, EVER give up! You can and will defeat these issues.

Fight the good fight, and surely you shall prevail!
參考: Five years free this year
2018-02-04 7:55 am
Well just stop doing it.
2018-02-03 11:00 am
Have a lot of sex
2018-02-03 5:14 am
just stop you absolute mong.
2018-02-02 11:28 am
Break for a drink!!!???!!!
2018-02-01 10:57 pm
Wear mittens
2018-02-01 1:40 pm
BY tying your hand with a kerchief to your legs.
2018-02-01 7:20 pm
You just need to make a decision and stop... it really is that simple... and that difficult. You should use a penis health creme like Man1 Man Oil too. Regardless if you quit or not, it will protect and repair your penis skin from chafing, discoloration, numbness etc. All of these things are common side effects of masturbation and are pretty awful. This creme helps a lot. Google it. Cheers.
2018-02-02 3:53 am
2018-02-01 11:49 pm
You can seek professional help for this.

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