Why do people get scared when they find out I listen to death metal?

2018-02-01 10:27 am
They say it's the devil's music and that I'm working for him lol

回答 (11)

2018-02-02 8:03 pm
Because it's stereotypical for someone to think that someone who listens to Death Metal is a Satanist or something . Don't worry about it. People will give you that reaction no matter what.
2018-02-01 9:35 pm
Because you are such a unique snowflake with such a special taste for music just like everybody else.
2018-02-01 10:38 am
Because they dont understand death metal. And the meaning behind why they use the imagery. And talk about the things that do in their songs. You listen to death metal for the same reason people listen to rock or pop. Its because you like it. Death metal is just an extreme form of metal. Music is something that you listen to because you enjoy it. Upside down crosses and pentagrams arent for everyone. But for the people who listen to death metal its part of it.
2018-02-01 9:26 pm
"People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer..." - A.S.

Keep listening and enjoying it!!!!
2018-02-01 10:29 am
Because people are scared of new things. They used to say the same thing about rock and roll.
2018-02-01 6:37 pm
You must live in Utah, branch out.
2018-02-01 10:49 am
maybe the name scares them since its called death metal
2018-02-01 5:13 pm
They think you are weird and are maybe going to try and eat Tide Pods or something.
2018-02-01 10:45 am
Just tell em the devil is a myth.
2018-02-01 10:30 am
personally it just hurts my eardrums

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