Why are so many people against marijuana?

2018-01-31 3:30 pm
I still have a good job, fit body, a healthy relationship, my own place, graduated with a 3.8 gpa, and i sometimes volunteer. So do not tell me all smokers are lazy and are a disgrace to society.

回答 (7)

2018-01-31 3:51 pm
Amen to that! I have a good job own my own home, stable relationship and I'm active and fit.I have never been lazy.I think maybe movies, and how they portray people who use it, play a big role in how society views us.
2018-01-31 3:49 pm
it is about 50/50. i am sure they have their reasons and much of that is the decades worth of negative propaganda against cannabis.
2018-01-31 3:42 pm
There are a few who are against it, but that’s totally different from unwillingness to support it. That’s the majority of the people you are referring to that you say are “against “ it. People have their own conscience about things, and that is how it should be. That’s what’s great about America, we have the freedom to choose, unlike places like North Korea where you do not.
2018-01-31 4:56 pm
I know right. Weed is better than cigarettes.
2018-02-01 1:23 am
I am against marijuana for many reasons, but it appears you have answered your own question and don't care to hear out those of us who are against it, so why post this question??
2018-01-31 10:48 pm
And you answer your own questions, so why post them here?
2018-01-31 3:32 pm
3.8 out of how much, 20?

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