Can you die from wisdom teeth surgery?

2018-01-31 11:33 am

回答 (12)

2018-01-31 11:37 am
It's possible - but unlikely.

All surgery has a certain level of risk.
2018-02-01 3:38 am
you can die from any type of surgery
BUT it's a common surgery with very low risk
with a surgery like this most deaths are related to anesthesia or after surgery infection
2018-01-31 2:31 pm
Yes but incidence is rare. Any surgery can be fatal.
2018-01-31 11:35 am
Very unlikely to die from wisdom teeth surgery.

Unless you had a bad reaction to the anesthetic (which is very unlikely)
2018-01-31 11:43 am
Sure, just like you can die while crossing the street, by being struck by lightning, or while shoveling snow.

It’s a rare occurance. I wouldn’t allow general anesthesia without an anesthesiologist, or even twilight anesthesia, but otherwise, the chances are very small. Typically, it would be due to anaphylaxis or breathing problems.

If you are undergoing general anesthesia with an anesthesiologist, the chances are still small, assuming you are otherwise healthy.
2018-02-04 11:54 am
you can die from any surgery, but wisdom teeth extraction is very common, so probability of death from this is low
2018-02-03 8:39 am
I have never known of a person to even become sick with tooth surgery.
2018-02-03 8:33 am
Not likely. Some have almost died from embarrassment, though, at being filmed in a loopy state. Just saying.
2018-02-01 5:42 pm
The risk these days is next to none, rest assured.
2018-01-31 10:01 pm
No. I had wisdom teeth surgery I survived it.
2018-01-31 6:45 pm
Today they're pretty good at general anesthesia. So the chances are very unlikely. A person could be allergic to the sleep cocktail, but that is so unlikely it's ridiculous..
2018-01-31 1:08 pm
You actually can. I have known several to have an issue. When I was in the military a good friend of mine at the time almost died. They ruptured a blood vessel while extracting his wisdom teeth. He almost bleed to death. He wound up bleeding out his nose, eye sockets, mouth, very serious stuff all from having a wisdom tooth extracted.
It is rare but that can happen and it does. When I was in the military anyone having wisdom teeth extracted had to sign a waiver knowing full well that there are complications.
Infection, pieces of tooth still in socket, dry socket (painful as hell), excessive bleeding, nerve damage. It is a risk. If it needs to be done, than look at the alternative. You could die from an abscess or other complications from not having it taken care of.

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