What should I do about my shcool problems?

2018-01-31 9:50 am
I have 11th grade math Honors. I expected the class to be half smart kids and half dumb kids like me but no, there’s only smart people that talk ALOT. I would do decent if I were to pay attention but I just don’t, I dislike school sooo much especially math. Half of me wants to stay there bc I sit beside 2 hot girls (lol) but the other half tells me to change my class to normal math. I’m certain to fail if I don’t pay attention which I normally don’t but I want to stay bc if the hot girls. What should I do? Ps: My 2nd and 3rd block also has hot girl (lol) which makes the initial question way more easy to answer. I just need the opinion of other people.

回答 (2)

2018-01-31 10:45 am
I know a girl who hated her math class and struggled. She didn't get much out of the class, but her mother was able to explain the math to her at home. This year, she's applied to colleges, and she's getting offers of free tuition because of her GPA and her ACT score. No, she's not the school star- but she maintained a decent GPA. It's paying off big time- thousands and thousands of dollars. If you think about that, it might motivate you to pay attention to more than the hot girls.
2018-01-31 10:03 am
you hate math yet you are able to get into math honors? are you there by mistake? talk to your counselor.

also, who gives a f*ck about the hot girls. Christ. do your homework. looks fade, education is very important.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:54:48
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