The Cleveland Indians should change their name to the Cleveland Steamers. Agree?

2018-01-31 3:51 am

回答 (8)

2018-01-31 8:08 pm
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Polls show that native Americans are not not offended by the Indians name or their logo. The only ones offended are the politically correct socialist left wingers in this country.
2018-02-04 6:37 pm
Why? Does your mom want to be the new mascot? lol.
2018-01-31 12:38 pm
That would friggin hilarious! Imagine what their logo and mascot would look like then.
2018-01-31 5:25 am
Steamers is as good as any other nickname.
2018-01-31 3:54 am
Thumbs up.
2018-01-31 3:56 am
They should change their name.
But no, not to that.
2018-01-31 4:16 am
2018-01-31 4:09 am
The Cleveland Snowflakes!

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